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By: Dr. Nathaniel Shober


Neuropathy? Try Something NEW (ish)

When I first started treating and assessing peripheral neuropathy in practice, I gathered there was a commonality among the patients; peripheral neuropathy symptoms, were limited by our vocabulary.  And this was seemingly isolating for patients because they could not quite describe the agonizing sensations in their extremities.  Yes, the common medical symptoms are described as numbness, tingling, pain, burning, hypersensitivity, loss of feeling, and loss of coordination.  But as those that suffer from peripheral neuropathy say, “It is those things, but not really. And it’s something more.”  

“Neuropathy” is a blanket term that indicates pathology of nerve tissue.  The nerves in the periphery, or extremities (Peripheral neuropathy must be present in both limbs.  If it is present in one limb, then it is not peripheral neuropathy), communicate sensory and motor signals to our brain.  Damage to the nerves will disrupt communication with a loss of signals, inappropriate signaling when there shouldn’t be any, or a distortion of the signals being sent.  

The most common risk factors for peripheral neuropathy are alcoholism, autoimmune disease, diabetes, chemotherapy, exposure to toxins, multiple sclerosis, traumas, kidney and liver diseases, and surgeries.

Neuropathy is the one of the leading causes of amputation in the United States, second only to trauma (1).  It is estimated that over 150,000 people undergo amputation in the United States each year (2).  Peripheral neuropathy is a condition that, unfortunately, traditional medicine has not had an effective answer for.  From my clinical experience, the prescription medications are minimally effective, they have other side effects, and patients are just turned off by taking them daily.  Even so, peripheral neuropathy continues to worsen year-after-year.

I, too, am limited by vocabulary at how astounded I am for the discovery of a highly effective treatment course, to help individuals afflicted by peripheral neuropathy.  Since implementing my treatment plan at Greystone Regenerative Medicine, the results have been incredible.  As with most complicated conditions, it usually takes a “symphony” of modalities that work in concert to address the root cause of the illness.  In treating foundationally, that is, supporting the body with a multi-faceted approach so that tissue and function is restored, the results of treatment is effective for the long term.  While every individual is a unique case, the results are reproducible with the combination of treatments – LASER, vibration, and targeted nutrients.  

LASER therapy alone has been shown to be 90% effective for peripheral neuropathy in one peer-reviewed study (3).  When combined with other effective modalities, the results and improvements experienced are that much more.  The treatments are relaxing (completely painless), affordable (compared to medication, loss of work, and quality of life), without side-effects, and long lasting.  

While there may a variation of these modalities offered in clinics, it takes advanced technology and medical science to illicit therapeutic results.  For example, the technology of LASERs vary vastly (see another blog post on LASERs), and one “LASER” treatment at one clinic may be entirely different at another clinic.  In cases of peripheral neuropathy, it is imperative the treatment modalities (LASER, PRP, nutrients, vibration) be specific and targeted.   Saying that LASER and/or Vibration was already tried, is not good enough.  In addition, it is how the therapy is applied that makes all the difference in the world.  Treating just the affected areas is going to lead to more unfavorable results.  

If you or a loved one suffers from peripheral neuropathy, please seek out treatment and do not settle for something that doesn’t resonate with you.  I find that most of my patients, feel right about the plan after the very first treatment.  

So don’t feel defeated and try a new, effective treatment for peripheral neuropathy.  There is very little to lose and much to gain.  Not only will you feel better, but your vocabulary will increase 3-fold.

Nathaniel Shober, ND


(1) Beckman JA, Creager MA, Libby P. Diabetes and atherosclerosis: epidemiology, pathophysiology, and management. JAMA. 2002 May 15;287(19):2570-81. [PubMed]

(2) Dillingham TR, Pezzin LE, Shore AD. Reamputation, mortality, and health care costs among persons with dysvascular lower-limb amputations. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2005 Mar;86(3):480-6. [PubMed]

(3) Argenta A, Peter, MD, Ballman V, Karla. The effect of photobiomodulation therapy on chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy: A randomized, sham-controlled clinical trail. Gynecologic Oncology. 2016 Nov; 144(17): 159-166. 

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.