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5 Powerful Anti-Aging Practices You Aren't Doing Consistently

Jun 21

2 min read




active man and woman ice skating

The following article is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Always consult your physician before starting a new lifestyle change, especially if you have a pre-existing condition.

As a naturopathic doctor, I love seeing patients who aim to fully optimize their health. Many patients grow weary of unsustainable diets and excessive supplements. While supplements can be beneficial, they aren't always needed long-term and can be costly.

The following anti-aging practices are cost-effective and can save you money, requiring only an initial investment at home.

Consistency is crucial for these practices to work. Chronic diseases take time to reverse, and being consistent is key. These practices may feel uncomfortable at first, but they create "unfavorable" cellular environments that activate self-preservation mechanisms, promoting longevity.

1. Fasting

Fasting is free and one of the most beneficial health practices. It should not be confused with starvation; fasting is a voluntary practice with spiritual and physical benefits. Modern food availability has led to chronic diseases like obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. Fasting can reduce insulin levels, increase adrenaline and HGH, activate autophagy, and enhance brain function. Fasting regularly can have a cumulative positive effect on the body.

2. Sauna

Regular sauna sessions create a "positive stressor" by exposing the body to prolonged heat. Benefits include detoxification and the induction of heat shock proteins, which prevent the aggregation of faulty protein complexes linked to serious diseases. Simple infrared saunas are effective and have additional health benefits like pain relief and tissue repair.

3. Cold Water Therapy

Cold water therapy, though challenging, offers significant benefits, including enhanced immune function, mood improvement, stress reduction, better sleep, increased libido, enhanced metabolism, and pain reduction. Start by ending your showers with cold water and gradually increase the duration for maximum benefits.

4. Build and Maintain Muscle

Muscle is the body's largest endocrine "organ," producing myokines that positively impact organ function and metabolism. Regular strength training ensures healthy aging and increases overall strength. Consistency is key, and incorporating simple activities like carrying groceries or gardening can help build muscle.

5. Grounding and Photon Therapy

Aging is caused by inflammation and oxidation. Grounding, or walking barefoot on natural surfaces, provides the body with electrons from the earth, neutralizing free radicals. Photon therapy, which involves exposure to light molecules, has similar regenerative effects on damaged tissues.

These practices can improve your quality of life and longevity without costly supplements or frequent practitioner visits. For guidance on implementing these practices, please contact my office.


About the Author

Dr. Nathaniel Shober leads the compassionate team at Greystone Regenerative Medicine, dedicated to holistic healing through nature. Specializing in chronic pain, chronic fatigue, sports injuries, and more, Dr. Shober uses a combination of injections, botanicals, skin resurfacing, and therapeutic medical lasers in custom treatment programs. Visit our Concord, NH office, where we welcome adults of all ages. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Jun 21

2 min read





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